I am giving "toy rotation" a try and our current theme is cars/transportation. More on this concept to come, but so far it has been great! I am doing a few activities that revolve around this theme. One of our activities was creating "stop lights".
Okay, I am not kidding when I say the boys and I had SO MUCH FUN with this activity. Plus, such a great way to get some energy out while we are stuck inside this winter! The craft part was a fun way to add a little twist to the game because they thought it was pretty cool to be playing a game with something they created.
The craft itself was very simple, and you most likely have everything you need to complete it.
You will need:
red, green, yellow construction paper
glue, tape, and scissors
3 paper plates, cardboard, or more construction paper
black marker
3 popsicle sticks
1. Cut the inside of the paper plate out so you have a CIRCLE
2. Tear up your green, yellow, and red paper (keep them separated)
3. Add glue to one circle and then add your ripped up paper to cover the whole circle
4. Wait for it to dry then write STOP, SLOW, GO
5. Add popsicle stick to back with a piece of tape or glue (definitely can skip this step if you don't have popsicle sticks)
Before playing red light, green light be explicit with what each color means, and what they will be doing when each color is displayed. Total teacher moment, I know.
Green means GO - we will walk quickly or run
Yellow means SLOW - we will walk very slowly
Red means - STOP - no moving!
After awhile, we added a twist to the game and became dinosaurs. This was a BLAST! When I showed them red, my little Dinos would lay on the floor and take a nap. For yellow, they stomped slowly and when it was green they ran around the island of the kitchen.
There are so many fun options you can make to twist up red light, green light. We simply created lights and became Dinos! Can't wait to see what you all come up with :)