Summertime means more ice cream dates and nights than usual, right? :) There is something so refreshing about a good ice cream treat in the summer!
In my 8 Summer Sensory Bin posts (, I shared one way we did ice cream play, with shaving cream.
However, this time we did an ice cream sensory bin with rainbow rice and they seemed to enjoy it even more! It was a little less messy and easier for them to manipulate. P.S. making colored rice in the summer is the best because you can lay it out in the sun and it dries super quickly!
For this sensory bin we used two things, rainbow rice and an ice cream play kit we found at the dollar store! WIN!
I read "Should I Share My Ice Cream?" and "Ice Cream Face" while they played!
Easy prep, and if you do it outside easy clean up!
If you aren't able to find this toy at your local dollar store, you can improvise and use ice cream bowls, spoons, and scoops from your own kitchen!

Melisa and Doug have a great ice cream play set that you can find on Amazon (

There are also some more cost effective options on Amazon as well
( This one seems similar to the one we used, it just has more pieces!