Huxley saw a picture of himself playing with bubbles and insisted that we do bubbles and hot wheels for a little car wash. It ended up being such a fun sensory activity and a fun way to mix up playing with their hot wheels.
Here is what we did:
Blended up some water and dish soap in the blender
Dumped the bubbles out onto a baking sheet (with ridges)
Drizzled in a couple different colors of washable (key!!!) paint. I usually do food coloring, but that stains their little hands so badly!
Gave them some paintbrushes to mix around the paint (another fun activity in itself)
Then come the cars! They either painted them with the bubbles or vroomed them through the bubbles.
Lastly, they dipped them in a bucket of water to get them nice and shiny!
They had a blast! A sensory activity win!
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