I have seem this activity played a handful of times and finally decided to give it a try! With Easter around the corner, our house is exploding with Easter eggs! We were running out of the house for a play date and had about 10-15 minutes to spare. This was the perfect amount of time for my two toddler boys to stay engaged and busy all while having fun!
How we played:
Grab two buckets or bowls and fill one with eggs
Give your littles a spoon, you choose which type! Certain spoons will be more challenging. (Eating spoon, serving spoon, wooden spoon, etc.)
Have your little scoop up the egg with the spoon and very slowly and carefully walk to the other bowl, without dropping the egg!
Balance, concentration, and a whole lot of fun!
After your little ones get the hang of the game, you could step it up a notch and make it a bit more challenging!
-Time your kiddos!
-Have them hop, run, skip, etc.
-Walk backwards
-Try more than one egg at a time
-Test out different spoons and see which ones are easier/harder