Okay, this is a fun morning activity to do with your little ones. And yes, we were still in our pajamas :) I got the activity ready as the boys were eating breakfast, and they were immediately drawn to it and couldn't wait to get started!
Contact paper is such a fun way to practice any sort of concept with your littles or even create crafts. This activity (although not beautiful, simply because of my lack of artistic abilities) was both for them! They were able to create a flower garden, all while working on letter recognition. My 3 year old knows his uppercase alphabet, so this was good practice for him. My son who turns 2 in June isn't there yet, so it was a great activity for him to be involved in and work on alphabetic awareness.
You will need:
contact paper (we used clear)
construction paper
scissors, marker, tape
The set up:
Grab some contact paper and tape it on to a window (or wall)
I added some green washer tape along the bottom to resemble grass
Cut out a variety of flowers on construction paper
Write out the alphabet on the flowers (uppercase, lowercase, both). You choose!
Write out the alphabet on the contact paper
To Play:
Give your little one flower at a time and have them match the letter on their flower to the letter written on the contact paper!
Huxley was able to do this activity on his own. With Cohen, I gave him a flower, told him the letter (he usually tried to repeat), and then we searched for the letter together.
Letter recognition is a skill that your little ones will learn through their toddler years. Practice the ABC's, point out letters when reading or during day to day activities, and the rest will come with time and practice!