My boys love playing in water. Whether it's sensory play, bath time, or swimming, they always have the best time.
Today, Hux and I did an alphabet sort using simple tools we had laying around the house. We used some plastic alphabet letters from a play dough pack, a piece of cardboard that we had written the alphabet on, and a large bowl filled with water! Activities don't have to be glamorous for your littles to have a good time and learn from.
For this activity:
Throw the letters in a large kitchen bowl filled with water (put a bath rug or towel under to catch the water and minimize the mess)
Lay out a piece of cardboard with alphabet written on
Give your little a tong or slotted spoon to grab the letters and match away!
Such a simple activity that is fun and educational!
Feel free to read Alphabet Soup as a supplement to this activity!
Here is the link to the play dough kit with the alphabet!