Here is a fun way to get your littles moving around the house all while practicing the letters the alphabet! To do this activity, I came up with a list of things in the house that started with each letter in the alphabet. Obviously, you can adjust to your list to what you have in your house and what your littles are familiar with.
Here is what I came up with:
A - apples
B - bed
C- car
D- dog
E - eggs
F - fridge
G - garage
H - hat
I - ice cream
J - jacket
K - koala
L - lime
M - marshmallows
N - noodle
O - oatmeal
P - pajamas
Q - quilt
R - rag
S - shoes
T - timer
U - underwear
V - vegetables
W - waffle
X - xylophone
Y - yogurt
Z - zipper
While the boys were napping I posted each of the letters around the house on the corresponding item. For example, I put the letter A on the apples.
When it was time to play I explained that we were going on a scavenger hunt and needed to find all the letters in the alphabet. I gave him the list, so he could mark off each word as we found it. I also gave him a little bucket to carry around to put the letters in.
I read the letter (A), made the letter a sound, then said the word (apple).
He then searched for the letter, put it in his basket, and we went on to the next letter/word!
I'm not kidding when I say he LOVED this activity! It got him moving around the house, using critical thinking skills, and working on his letters. It was so fun to watch his little mind work when I gave him his clue.
For the letters, I used these leaf letters I already had created, but you could just as easily write the letters on a piece of construction paper.