Let's be real. Traveling with little kids can be extremely stressful. Regardless of the mode of transportation it takes a tole on the adults and kids.
With it currently being holiday season, travel is most likely a guarantee for all. The holidays are supposed to be a fun and exciting time of the year, but it truly is exhausting. We spend so much time and energy into creating day to day routines for our littles. Routines that help our littles get through each and every day with less stress and unpredictability.
When traveling it is important to keep our littles on the forefront. How can we make this a simple and smooth transition for them? New places, new people, new routines. It really is hard on their little minds and bodies.
>>> Insert a few tips and tricks we have tried when it comes to travel.
Here are a few things that we brought on our flight to try to keep our littles happy and occupied. As well as during the down time between flights.
SNACKS! - Food is acceptable when going through security, so bring all your littles favorite snacks. My boys love granola bars and fruit snacks. They are tasty and mostly mess free. On the messier side, I brought a couple suckers as well. This tends to help when the moods are starting to drop. It also helps with the pressure change during take off and landing.
Empty waterbottle - Fill with milk or water before flight.
Small cars and animals - This may have been the greatest thing we brought with us. Our boys played with these for a solid hour straight while waiting to board the plane. You can find hot wheels at the dollar store! (https://amzn.to/3ELUMBp)
Ipad or tablet - Tablets are a game changer when it comes to traveling. Download your littles favorite movies, shows, or games to gear up for your flights and long travel.
A favorite stuffed animal or blanket - Bring something your little loves during nap and bed time. This might make it a little easier for them to feel safe and comfortable to fall asleep during travel.
Stickers, crayons, paper
Melissa and Doug water reveal (https://amzn.to/3ViGjUv)
Favorite books and flash cards (https://amzn.to/3XDPssq)
Play dough
Froot Loops and pipe cleaners - String the froot loops onto the pipe cleaners for a snack and activity!
Dollar store building blocks
Pom Poms and paint strip cards - Have your little match the color of the pom pom with the paint strip
You may not use them all, but it is better to be safe than sorry!
Happy Holidays! Enjoy your family time.
And be proud of your littles' ability to be flexible.